
Industrial Punching Process on CNC Machines

July 14, 2020

One metal fabrication process that is frequently used by numerous manufacturers is punching. Punching basically removes any scrap slug from sheets of metal or metal workpieces whenever the punch material enters the punching die. Holes and openings are typically left whenever the punching process is done.

Punching’s ability to leave and produce different hole shapes makes it suitable for creating products that are intended for different applications. This metal fabrication process is also recommendable for manufacturers that must produce a high volume of products. The integration of computer numerical control (CNC) to this metal fabrication process helps it perform more efficiently and quickly.

The Processes of Industrial Punching

As previously mentioned, punching helps in fabricating sheets of metal into products that can be used again for other purposes. Industrial punching does the same thing but focuses on larger or industrial businesses. Usually, industrial punching is done through a punching machine that can easily cut, perforate, and shape metal sheets and workpieces by using a punch. The matrix of this machine is somehow akin to a press machine.

During an industrial punching, the compression force of the punch helps it possess enough pressure that is needed to be introduced into the workpiece. By the time the punch touches the workpiece surface, an initial deformation will be formed, which will be followed by shear stress. This shear stress allows the workpiece to be cut and fractured. The cut piece will then be removed and eliminated from the punch.

Some products that are made from industrial punching include electronic components, construction materials, medical equipment, industrial ventilation equipment, vending machines, and many more.

Role and Importance of CNC Machines

CNC machines have helped many industries in processing different materials and performing a wide variety of actions. They would normally interpret the design into instructions, which will be subsequently used for cutting prototype parts and components. This interpretation is done through the digital instructions that are coming from a Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM) or Computer-Aided Design (CAD) file. Another role of CNC is that they can program a computer to control machine tools and automate their actions with great consideration over speed and accuracy.

With CNC punching machines, almost all the metal fabrication works are done automatically, eliminating the need for manual labour and control. Handwheels or levers do not have to be operated by hand since CNC machines are fully capable of controlling them through commands that are sent out by the computer and its software. The use of CNC allows manufacturers to effectively design the cutting processes of any given sheet metal in a more organised matter and consequently monitor the progress and status of the whole metal fabrication process.

For more information about the industrial punching process on CNC machines, feel free to contact us at Gunna Engineering. We are a small engineering business that has over 25 years of experience in the manufacturing of punches, dies, and blades for a variety of industries.

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