
Expert Tips for Keeping Your Shear Blade in Optimal Condition

November 7, 2022

Shears are one of the most important and versatile tools in metal fabrication, and fabricators consider them among the most vital. Here are some suggestions on how you may keep your shear blade in tip-top condition to cut down on maintenance expenses and increase the time it is available for use.

Understand Your Machine

A fabricator must have a solid understanding of the operations, design, and workings of each piece of equipment in their shop. Overloading the shear beyond the limitations specified by the OEM is the primary reason for shear failure. Metal may be cut with shears in various ways, depending on the material’s breadth and thickness. Reviewing the limitations that are advised might cause your machine and shear blade to get damaged.

Every day, you need to pay attention to the standard adjustments and maintenance that need to be done. In addition to this, the servicing requirements advised by the manufacturer should be adhered to. Additionally, lubrication and fluids should be used in line with the recommendations provided by the manufacturer to prevent damage.

Document and Inspect Regularly

Maintaining the machine via its regularly scheduled downtime should also be a top priority so that it may be inspected in its entirety on occasion. Tests should be run to determine whether the shear can carry out all of its duties when the machine is being used. In addition, all bearings should be inspected for signs of wear, and the machine’s emergency and safety features should be investigated.

Following the completion of the inspection, the paperwork must then be written and reviewed. Documentation can uncover trends and possible issues, allowing for quick repair work by a specialist. Documents can be reviewed to devise a strategy for preventative maintenance, which will, in the long run, remove the necessity of rushing to complete urgent repairs.

Properly Set The Blade and Clearance

Before beginning the procedure, check that the blade has been correctly adjusted to its setting. The precise adjustment of the shear blade is essential to the longevity of the blade as well as the effectiveness of the machine. Adjust the clearance as needed to get the desired level of cut quality. Before setting the blade, you should ensure that the blade seat is flat. This will guarantee that the tooling is set correctly, preventing the blade from chipping during movement.

Blades also require adequate clearance to function properly. When the clearance is too high, metal might become caught in the machine where it is being cut. The blade can crack if there is absolutely no clearance at all. When the clearance is set too loosely, it will cause wear and failure to occur earlier than necessary.

Repair Immediately

If you see any irregular wear or if there is a need for modification, you should contact the professionals right away. Catastrophic failures frequently begin with minor issues that are disregarded. Taking prompt action to solve these issues will result in cost savings in the long run.

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