
Tips for Maintaining Dies in the Punch Machine

January 9, 2023

A well-functioning punch binding machine is essential to any company’s internal binding procedures. If it’s working properly, you can punch and bind a constant supply of papers that always look fantastic. Therefore, it is crucial to keep this equipment in good condition.

Typically, worn-out dies are the source of punch-binding machine problems. Because these little pieces perform such a large task repeatedly, they tend to require replacement more frequently than other sections of the punch binder; therefore, it is crucial to know how to identify worn dies and extend their useful life.

How To Recognize There Is a Problem

Three factors can limit the lifespan of a die: the length of time it has been in use, the kind of materials it frequently punches, and the thickness of the papers it must traverse.

A decrease in your machine’s punching capacity is an early indicator of danger. This can include holes not completely punched through the document, holes with jagged edges, and little fragments of paper adhering to the holes’ edges after punching.

Another sign is that your punch binder appears to use greater force to punch your materials. Because a punch binding machine understands how much pressure to apply to each material, it will have to exert more effort when using old or dull dies to create holes.

If you frequently punch heavy materials such as cardboard and laminates or create thick documents that require a great deal of pressure for each punch, the edges of your die will likely dull more quickly, similar to how a knife blade loses its edge after repeatedly striking a hard surface.

Selecting Replacement or Repair

It is feasible to fix a die instead of having to replace it. A punch die consists of a dying body and a pin that function similarly to the blades of scissors. Sometimes changing the pin alone can temporarily resolve punching difficulties, but not permanently. Eventually, the die body and the punch pin must be replaced concurrently to restore complete punch quality. Plan inserting a new die at the first hint of problems after changing the die pin.

Increasing The Duration of Your Deaths

How long a die lasts depends on how strenuously it must work day after day. The die’s lifespan is diminished not by its frequency of usage but by the continuous force with which it punctures papers. A die’s lifespan can be reduced to only a few years if used to punch tough materials and thick documents daily. However, the identical die piercing thinner, less thick materials for the same duration might endure between three and five years.

Regardless of the needed maintenance, lubricating your dies can increase their useful life. It is advised that square and rectangular dies be oiled every eight hours, whereas round pins should be oiled weekly. Before using a punch binding machine that hasn’t been used for a long time, you should always lubricate its dies.

To lubricate your dies, first, remove them from their binder. Place a tiny amount of 3-in-1 oil on a cloth and use your finger to apply the oil to the exposed front and rear pins. After reinstalling the oiled die, run the machine a few times to distribute the oil uniformly, and then run the machine a few more times on scrap paper to ensure that no oil spots appear. Knowing how to maintain and replace the dies in your punch binding machine can guarantee that your in-house document production has minimal downtime.

Gunna Engineering offers the answers when you want a punch-binding machine that consistently produces high-quality papers.

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