What is the Process of CNC Turning?
Despite the label, CNC Turning tools don’t spin when there’s cutting work to be done. In reality, metal workpieces are mounted and set spinning. Like a clay turning table, the metal part receives its shape. Only, it’s a cutting tool, […]
CNC Milling and Machining: What is it Used For?
As any competent engineering student can guess, this is an incredibly dense subject. CNC Milling and Machining, which recruits computer control systems, has entire libraries dedicated to its study. To better understand the discipline and all of its machine-associated, software […]
Surface Grinding Services: Process and Precision
An armoury-worth of surface grinding services, each aimed at the precise processing of all sorts of metal objects, sits waiting inside an engineering shop. The abrasive buzz travels the length of the shop floor, and a trail of sparks can […]
Tool Steel Grades for Punches and Dies
There’s something about tool steel grades, especially when they’re used in punches and dies. The metals feel incredibly dense. Way back at the milling plant, a suitable steel alloy has been selected. It’s a coarse-grained material with a ready to […]
Most Common Causes of Punch Breakage
Hardened carbide steels, all extensively heat treated, last for thousands of punching operations. Even equipped with dense material backbones, however, punch breakage is an unavoidable problem. To some extent, operator error is a known causative factor. The shut height is […]